Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Meeting at Sandpoint

The estranged party do not each other yet, but they each have their own personal reason for being at the Swallowtail Festival in the early morning. They hear the presentations from Sandpoint's leaders Sheriff Belor, Cyrdak,

Then combat takes place, which Cinder, Charron, Davakas, Harkrug, and Arcyss are able to quickly kill some of the main Goblins in the festival square.

Now there is a lull in the combat and excitement.

GM Notes - What went right and what went wrong


1. Had issues with everyone signing into Google Hangouts, some players thought we would use the roll20.net video/audio. But I know that Google Hangouts is faster on slower networks, so I prefer to use that.
2. Some players had trouble viewing their character sheets in roll20, hopefully that is fixed now.
3. Some players are confused regarding their back stories. I had purposely made the back stories a little vague so that the players need to investigate in Sandpoint to determine all the facts.
4. The rolling of initiative could have gone smoother, hopefully in future games it will be better.
5. Combat could have gone smoother with understanding of each players armor class and damage abilities.


1. The initial festival maps and introduction was alright.

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