The party went on a boar hunt with Andern and then met Shelalu. Then one of the servants of The Rusty Dragon showed a note to the party that showed that Keimo is now missing, and she has appeared to have gone to the Glassworks. Now the party has just broken into the Glassworks...
The band of adventures start the evening with The Rusty Dragon in full effect with excitement taking place everywhere. In which Andern Foxglove is fitting the bill for all the drinks and food the party can consume. Ameiko the owner of the tavern is providing special food and drink that she has in her reservoir of exotic wares.
The party went on a boar hunt with Andern and then met Shelalu. Then one of the servants of The Rusty Dragon showed a note to the party that showed that Keimo is now missing, and she has appeared to have gone to the Glassworks. Now the party has just broken into the Glassworks...
The band of adventures start the evening with The Rusty Dragon in full effect with excitement taking place everywhere. In which Andern Foxglove is fitting the bill for all the drinks and food the party can consume. Ameiko the owner of the tavern is providing special food and drink that she has in her reservoir of exotic wares.
As they sit and talk to Andern, he drunkenly proposes that the party go on a Boar Hunt the following morning in Tickwood Forest. He asks the group if they knew why the forest is named Tickwood Forest? Which elites the goblin-killing groupies that have started to follow the party around town. He answers the question, stating that the forest is named after the very large ticks that reside in the forest. And he professes that there are no goblins in this part of Varisia.
The next morning the party leave early for Tickwood Forest, in which Andern has purchased horses for each party member. As they ride out of town all the employees of the stables are out to cheer them on as they go ‘hunting’!
As they take the north east trail to the forest they get their first good view of what is called Devils Platter. A long expansive area that stretches on and on as far as the eye can see.
Then once they get into the forest they quickly encounter their first boar. Which the party kills fairly quickly, but one of the horses is severely injured. Andern has potions of cure light wounds that he gives the wounded horse after the boar is killed.
The party returns to Sandpoint without any additional encounters with the cut up corpse of the boar. Which Andern gives to Ameiko and asks for it to be cooked and provided to everyone at the tavern.
After the party has cleaned up and is ready to eat dinner Sheriff Hemlock approaches the party and asks them to follow him to City Hall. Which they agree to and find that only the city guard are on the outside of the building.
They entire and meet with the Mayor and a tall elf named Shalelu. Hemlock goes on and on about Shalelu and her recent accomplishments of taking care of goblins in the surrounding area. Once the Sheriff is done Shalelu introduces herself and talks about how she has noticed an uprising of goblin tribes in the area.
Once she is done with her report the Sheriff quickly states that in the early morning he will be leaving for Magnimar to request additional soldiers for defense from the goblins. And then he leaves, leaving the party with the Mayor and Shalelu. Once the Sheriff is gone Shalelu invites the party to dinner to discuss further the goblin tribes in the area.
What went Right
1. The activities of NPCs were alright and nothing bad happened to the party.
What went Wrong
1. GM had to work late, so there was a one hour delay
2. GM had video streaming from webcam, which impacted players ability to hear and participate. Need to turn off next time.
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